Post Archive

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Send and Receive email with custom domain
Expanding the power of your domain name by creating custom email addresses. Read More ›

CO2 Sequestration In Methane Hydrates
A project from 2012 when I was in the North Slope of Alaska. Read More ›

A journey building an outdoor palace for the fuzzy one. Read More ›

Jekyll on Mac
The definition of insanity is doing it again and again. Read More ›

UniFi VLANs and AirPlay
UniFi likes to do things differently. Here's how to use properly segmented networks, VLANs and AirPlay together. Read More ›

Creating High-Speed Electrical Analysis for Energy Research
An archive of a paper I wrote based on a project I did for NREL between 2010 and 2014 for high speed, real time power analysis Read More ›

How I Built It
In which I go off the 'Rails' Read More ›

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AirPlay cat DAQ DNS electrical email energy firewall FPGA furniture guides hardware jekyll LabVIEW mac networking NI oil-and-gas power real-time software UniFi VLAN web windows woodworking