

I am Nick: an electrical engineer and software developer of 13+ years who has worked in the implantable medical product, aerospace, oil & gas, test & measurement, industrial automation, consumer product, and embedded circuit design spaces. I’ve done work for various Government labs and branches (NREL, Sandia, DoD, DoE), Medtronic, Tesla, Google, Apple, John Deer, Wrigley, Intel, and many others. I was the recipient of two Engineering Impact awards in 2014: one from National Instruments for Energy and the other from National Instruments/Intel for Internet of Things. I am currently working on embedded class 3 medical implantable devices. I am passionate about technology for both work and pleasure, and enjoy reading with a cat on my lap.

Check out my LinkedIn here.

This Project

This project (the website), was born out of a long passion for building things with technology of any form. For web specifically, I remember getting my first dot.tk domain (this still exists? neat!) when I was around 10 or 11 and building up a (very crude, by today’s standards) HTML webpage. It had all the bells and whistles: scrolling text, a page hit counter, automatic music playing on page load! This was the pinnacle of high technology. Simpler times.

Fast forward to today, and I am a bona-fide engineer who still loves to tinker. This domain will serve to showcase any and all technical-related projects I’ve worked on (that I can disclose, or have done personally), be it circuit design, software architecture, woodworking, photography, or any other engineering-esque thing I get up to.

The Goods

The website is generated by using Jekyll, a static site generator based on content I write. The pages are written using markdown, compiled for the site with Jekyll, then the generated HTML is pushed to my site’s repo using Git. In addition to Jekyll, it uses Liquid, CSS, YAML, raw HTML, and Ruby on Rails under the hood. I use a customized theme based on Feeling Responsive. Images are either © Nick Aroneseno (myself) or are licensed from sites such as Adobe Stock. This repository is open source and can be found in my GitHub profile.